Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's time to move forward


After all those sleepless nights and dilemma/confused, thinking hard on which path I should take, I decided that imma choose ITE.

I know I have the opportunity of going to sec 5 but I ended up wasted on it. Dumb eh? I know it's a long journey if I take ITE. But I guess it's okay, I'll get more experience later than taking O level. Plus I'm a girl so there's no need to fret much on taking a long road unless if it's a guy cuz they need to go through NS. Provided if the world will not end on 2012. Hahaha. Since my ambition requires alot of hands on, I guess ITE is the best choice and then to Poly. Fuckyeah, I don't give a hoot cuz I already think carefully so this is my final decision.

I must think far and out of the box. The advantages and disadvantages of going to sec 5. I'm not saying going to ITE there's no disadvantages. In fact, all choices have its both advantages and disadvantages. Base on my N level points, I don't think I wanna suffer and struggle like fuck for another year and go through all the same thing again. I wanna move on and try something new. After which, I've learnt something new from someone. He told me that there's a huge different between "do something you like for passion and achieve for it with all your heart" than "do something which you don't like but just go for it for the sake of trying and want to pass." Something like that. Hahah I hope it make some sense.

Hmm, but seriously uh. It was unexpected that I get promoted. Cuz I remembered I slacked quite alot back then. I started study during the month of August for like 1 week but at that point of time I didn't take things seriously so I stopped and slacked again. And fuck, I still remembered how my Prelim results looked like, it sucks alot. I didn't really studied for my Prelim actually and I treated it like some class tests. Cuz why? I don't feel that I'm actually sitting for Prelim papers. It made me awake and after the incident, I continued study again and this time round I started to take things seriously on the month of September and October the like 2 weeks before I sat for each of the N level papers.

And I also remembered during the briefing at the hall, my mind was totally blank. I don't know what to think of. Nervous spelled me cuz I'm of those first 5 index numbers.
When it came my turn, Mdm Azizah called my name and asked me to sign and off she straight away gave the certificate with a big smile on her face and said, "Congratulations, you promoted to Sec 5."
When I heard the word "Sec 5", tears of joy started to rolled down on my cheeks and I went like this: O_O. And I replied, "Huh cikgu, serious?"
So yeah, it was also unexpected for me cuz I thought I'm going to fail Maths as that's my weakest subject but no, ended up I passed all the subjects, huhuhu.
Kay lah I know it's no point I'm telling this to you guys then ended up I chose ITE. I just wanna share, thats all.

Afterall, actually there's nothing wrong if you choose to go to ITE or Sec 5. Sorry to those who really wanted me to go sec 5 after all those countless advises/begging. Maybe you guys will go mad or something hahah but if you guys are really my true friends, you guys should feel happy with the decision I've made and support me from behind. And also thanks to those who got more experienced to whom I seeked for a whole lotsa advices about education and shits etc. You guys know who you are. =)

On the other hand, I'm glad that 4N2 already proved to all the teachers that we finally made it after all those look down and shits. Remember back then when most of the teachers nearly wanted to give up on us and said only less than 10 students can make it to Sec 5? And mostly all of them were chinese. Remember? So yeah. Now more than 10 students made it to Sec 5, right? We managed to pull it off through the end. =)

And eff, don't ever think if you fail your N, you go to ITE means you are stupid.
Their points are just a little bit more than the qualifying points of going to Sec 5. It's just that they didn't put in more effort or something. No one is born stupid. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways. Maybe they are more good in practical than theory. What I'm trying to imply is that ITE isn't for failures. Fucken fuckity fuck it doesn't mean it's the end of the world ffs. I ain't trying to talk smart here but seriously I get annoy when people say or think that way and have that kind of mindset. They think they are too awesome so they look down on these people. This is the year of 2000's. So please, think big and wisely.

Anyway, all the best to those who's going to Sec 5. I hope you guys don't ever forget me uh. I'll miss you guys for sure. Whoa you guys should feel lucky you know can get to enjoy new renovated/upgraded school, new environment, new facilites. Sigh...

Next update will be about what imma miss my life in HKSS.
So remember to stay tuned!

Hmm kay, I think thats all about my post.

"See, don't look down on yourself. In the end, it's not actually about luck, it's about how much hardwork you have put in." - Aunty Jasmine, the bestest counsellor ever.